Updating Component Props via Vue 3 Custom Directive: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Terisa - hkhazo.biz.id

Updating Component Props via Vue 3 Custom Directive: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with cumbersome code when updating component props in Vue 3? Do you wish there was a more elegant and efficient way to update props without relying on props re-renders or $refs? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the power of custom directives in Vue 3 and learn how to update component props with ease.

What are Custom Directives in Vue 3?

Custom directives are a powerful feature in Vue 3 that allow you to extend the functionality of HTML elements. They provide a way to attach custom behavior to elements, giving you more control over how your components interact with the user and each other. In the context of updating component props, custom directives can help you simplify your code and improve performance.

Why Use Custom Directives for Updating Props?

There are several reasons why using custom directives for updating props is a great idea:

  • Efficient**: Custom directives allow you to update props in a more efficient way, reducing the need for unnecessary re-renders and improving performance.
  • Flexible**: Directives provide a flexible way to update props, giving you the freedom to customize the behavior to your specific needs.
  • Reusable**: Custom directives can be reused across your application, reducing code duplication and making maintenance easier.

Creating a Custom Directive for Updating Props

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of using custom directives for updating props, let’s dive into creating one! In this example, we’ll create a directive called `update-prop` that will update a component’s prop when a specific condition is met.

// update-prop.directive.js
import { Directive } from 'vue'

export default {
  mounted(el, binding) {
    // Get the component instance
    const component = el.__vue__

    // Get the prop name and new value
    const propName = binding.arg
    const newValue = binding.value

    // Update the prop when the condition is met
    if (el.offsetWidth > 500) {
      component[propName] = newValue

In this example, our `update-prop` directive takes two arguments: `propName` and `newValue`. The `mounted` lifecycle hook is used to attach the directive to the element, and the `propName` and `newValue` are used to update the component’s prop when the condition is met (in this case, when the element’s offset width is greater than 500 pixels).

Registering the Custom Directive

To use our `update-prop` directive, we need to register it in our Vue 3 application. We can do this by adding the following code to our `main.js` file:

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import UpdatePropDirective from './update-prop.directive'

  .directive('update-prop', UpdatePropDirective)

In this example, we’re registering the `update-prop` directive as a global directive using the `directive` method provided by Vue 3.

Using the Custom Directive in a Component

Now that we’ve registered our custom directive, let’s use it in a component to update a prop. In this example, we’ll create a simple component called `MyComponent` that displays a message:

    {{ message }}

export default {
  props: {
    message: {
      type: String,
      default: 'Hello, World!'

To update the `message` prop using our `update-prop` directive, we can add the following code to our template:

  <div v-update-prop:message="'Hello, Universe!'"></div>

In this example, we’re using the `v-update-prop` directive to update the `message` prop when the condition is met (remember, the condition is when the element’s offset width is greater than 500 pixels). When the prop is updated, the component will re-render with the new message.

Conditionally Updating Props

Sometimes, you might want to update props conditionally, based on certain criteria. With our `update-prop` directive, you can do this by adding an additional argument to the directive:

  <div v-update-prop:message="'Hello, Universe!'" :condition="shouldBeUpdated"></div>

export default {
  props: {
    message: {
      type: String,
      default: 'Hello, World!'
  data() {
    return {
      shouldBeUpdated: false

In this example, we’re adding a `condition` argument to the `update-prop` directive, which is bound to the `shouldBeUpdated` data property. When `shouldBeUpdated` is `true`, the prop will be updated; otherwise, it won’t.

Best Practices for Using Custom Directives

When using custom directives for updating props, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure your code is maintainable, efficient, and easy to understand:

  1. Keep it simple**: Avoid over-engineering your custom directive. Keep the logic simple and focused on the specific task at hand.
  2. Use meaningful names**: Choose meaningful names for your custom directive and its arguments. This will make it easier for others (and yourself) to understand the code.
  3. Document your code**: Add comments and documentation to your custom directive to explain its purpose, usage, and any limitations.
  4. Test your code**: Thoroughly test your custom directive to ensure it works as expected in different scenarios.


In this article, we’ve explored the power of custom directives in Vue 3 for updating component props. By creating a custom directive called `update-prop`, we’ve learned how to update props in a more efficient and flexible way, reducing the need for unnecessary re-renders and improving performance. Remember to follow best practices when using custom directives, and don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with new ideas!

Directive Description
v-update-prop Updates a component prop when a specific condition is met.

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Updating component props via Vue 3 custom directive” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on updating component props via Vue 3 custom directive!

What is a custom directive in Vue 3?

A custom directive in Vue 3 is a custom instruction that can be used to extend the functionality of a Vue component. It allows developers to create reusable code that can be used to manipulate the DOM, handle events, or even update component props!

Why do I need to update component props via a custom directive?

Sometimes, you need to update a component prop programmatically, but Vue’s reactivity system won’t trigger a re-render. That’s where a custom directive comes in – it gives you a way to update props manually, ensuring your component stays in sync with the latest data!

How do I create a custom directive to update component props in Vue 3?

To create a custom directive, you’ll need to define a function that takes in the component instance, the prop to update, and the new value. Then, use Vue’s `directive` function to register your custom directive. For example: `app.directive(‘update-prop’, (el, binding) => { /* update prop logic here */ });`

Can I use a custom directive to update multiple props at once?

You bet! With a custom directive, you can update multiple props by iterating over an object of prop-value pairs. Just be sure to handle any necessary validation or error handling for each prop. For example: `app.directive(‘update-props’, (el, binding) => { Object.keys(binding.value).forEach(prop => { el[prop] = binding.value[prop]; }); });`

Are there any performance considerations when using a custom directive to update component props?

Yes, there are! When updating props via a custom directive, you might need to consider the impact on performance, especially if you’re updating multiple props or dealing with large datasets. Be sure to use Vue’s built-in optimization techniques, such as memoization or shouldComponentUpdate, to minimize unnecessary re-renders.

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