Unlock the Power of Angular 17+: Mastering the New Build System and ng-packagr
Image by Terisa - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Angular 17+: Mastering the New Build System and ng-packagr

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Are you ready to take your Angular development to the next level? With the release of Angular 17+, the framework has undergone a significant transformation, introducing a new build system that’s faster, more efficient, and easier to use. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Angular 17+ and explore the exciting new features of the build system, along with the powerful ng-packagr tool. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

The New Build System: What’s Changed?

One of the most significant changes in Angular 17+ is the new build system, which replaces the traditional Webpack-based build process. This new system is designed to provide better performance, reduced build times, and improved error reporting.

Faster Builds with ESBuild

The new build system leverages ESBuild, a high-performance JavaScript compiler, to speed up the build process. ESBuild is capable of compiling code much faster than Webpack, resulting in significantly reduced build times.

ng build --prod

Run the above command to experience the new build system’s speed firsthand. You’ll notice a substantial reduction in build time compared to previous versions of Angular.

Improved Error Reporting

The new build system provides more detailed and accurate error reporting, making it easier to identify and fix issues. This is achieved through the use of a new error reporting mechanism, which provides more informative error messages and stack traces.

ng-packagr: The Powerful Package Builder

ng-packagr is a powerful tool introduced in Angular 17+ that allows you to build and publish packages for your Angular libraries. This tool is designed to simplify the process of creating and maintaining packages, making it easier to share code between projects.

Creating a Package with ng-packagr

Let’s create a simple package using ng-packagr. First, create a new Angular library using the following command:

ng generate library my-lib

Next, navigate to the library folder and create a new file called `ng-package.json`. This file contains the configuration settings for ng-packagr.

  "lib": {
    "entry-file": "src/public-api.ts",
    "component-files": "src/**/*.component.ts",
    "module-files": "src/**/*.module.ts"

This configuration tells ng-packagr to use the `public-api.ts` file as the entry point for the package, and to include all component and module files in the `src` folder.

Now, run the following command to build the package:

ng-packagr -c ng-package.json

This will create a new package in the `dist` folder, ready for publishing to a package registry like npm.

Publishing a Package to npm

Once you’ve built your package, you can publish it to npm using the following command:

npm publish dist/my-lib-1.0.0.tgz

This will upload your package to the npm registry, making it available for others to install and use.

Best Practices for Using ng-packagr

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using ng-packagr:

  • Use a Consistent Naming Convention**: Use a consistent naming convention for your packages to avoid confusion and make it easier to manage multiple packages.
  • Document Your Package**: Provide clear documentation for your package, including a README file and API documentation, to help others understand how to use it.
  • Test Your Package Thoroughly**: Test your package thoroughly to ensure it works as expected and is free of bugs.
  • Version Your Package Correctly**: Use semantic versioning (e.g., 1.0.0) to version your package, and increment the version number correctly when making changes.

Migrating to the New Build System

If you’re upgrading from an earlier version of Angular, you may need to migrate your existing projects to use the new build system. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Update Angular to 17+**: Upgrade your project to Angular 17+ using the following command:

    ng update @angular/core@17
  2. Remove Webpack Config**: Remove any existing Webpack configuration files (e.g., `webpack.config.js`) from your project.
  3. Update ng-cli Config**: Update your `angular.json` file to use the new build system. You can do this by running the following command:

    ng config cli.defaultCollection @angular/dev-cli@17
  4. Migrate Custom Plugins**: If you’re using custom plugins, you’ll need to migrate them to work with the new build system. Refer to the plugin documentation for specific instructions.


Angular 17+ brings a new era of speed and efficiency to Angular development, thanks to the new build system and ng-packagr. By mastering these tools, you’ll be able to create faster, more efficient, and better-maintained packages for your Angular libraries. Remember to follow best practices, and happy coding!

Feature Angular 17+
Build System New ESBuild-based build system
Error Reporting Improved error reporting with detailed messages and stack traces
Package Builder ng-packagr for building and publishing packages

Here are 5 questions and answers about Angular 17+ new build system and ng-packagr:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on Angular 17+ new build system and ng-packagr!

What is the new build system in Angular 17+?

The new build system in Angular 17+ is called “ng build” and it’s a complete overhaul of the previous build system. It’s faster, more efficient, and provides better error reporting. It’s also more modular and allows for easier customization.

What is ng-packagr and how does it relate to the new build system?

Ng-packagr is a library that Angular uses under the hood to create and manage packages for publishing to npm. With the new build system, ng-packagr is now a first-class citizen, allowing for more efficient and customizable packaging of Angular libraries.

How do I migrate my existing library to the new build system and ng-packagr?

To migrate your existing library, you’ll need to update your `angular.json` file and your `package.json` file to use the new build system and ng-packagr. You can use the `ng update` command to help with the migration process. Additionally, you may need to update your library’s source code to take advantage of the new features and improvements.

What are some benefits of using the new build system and ng-packagr?

The new build system and ng-packagr provide several benefits, including faster build times, smaller package sizes, and improved error reporting. Additionally, the new build system allows for more customization and flexibility, making it easier to optimize your library for specific use cases.

Are there any potential issues or limitations with the new build system and ng-packagr?

While the new build system and ng-packagr are a significant improvement over the previous system, there are still some potential issues and limitations to be aware of, such as compatibility issues with older Angular versions and some third-party libraries. Be sure to thoroughly test your library after migration to ensure everything is working as expected.

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