Mastering Evaluable Inductive Predicates for Records and Sets: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering Evaluable Inductive Predicates for Records and Sets: A Step-by-Step Guide

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In the world of formal verification and proof assistants, evaluable inductive predicates play a crucial role in specifying and reasoning about complex data structures. In this article, we’ll delve into the realm of evaluable inductive predicates and explore how to define them for records and sets. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle even the most intricate predicate definitions.

What are Evaluable Inductive Predicates?

An evaluable inductive predicate is a way to define a predicate (a statement that evaluates to true or false) using an inductive definition. In other words, it’s a recursive function that breaks down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. Evaluable inductive predicates are essential in proof assistants like Coq, where they enable us to specify and prove properties about data structures.

Components of an Evaluable Inductive Predicate

An evaluable inductive predicate typically consists of three components:

  • Inductive type: The data structure being defined, such as a record or set.
  • Predicate definition: A recursive function that defines the predicate.
  • Proof obligations: A set of proof obligations that ensure the predicate is well-defined and sound.

Defining Evaluable Inductive Predicates for Records

Records are a fundamental data structure in many programming languages, and defining evaluable inductive predicates for them can be a powerful tool for specifying and reasoning about their properties.

Example: Defining a Predicate for a Simple Record

Let’s consider a simple record type, person, with two fields: name and age. We want to define an evaluable inductive predicate, is_eligible, that checks whether a person is eligible to vote based on their age.

Inductive is_eligible (p : person) : Prop :=
  | Eligible_intro : forall n a, p = {| name := n; age := a |} -> a >= 18 -> is_eligible p.

In this example, we’ve defined an inductive predicate is_eligible that takes a person record as input. The predicate has one constructor, Eligible_intro, which specifies the conditions under which a person is eligible to vote: the age field must be greater than or equal to 18.

Breaking Down the Predicate Definition

Let’s dissect the predicate definition:

  • Inductive is_eligible (p : person) : Prop: We’re defining an inductive predicate is_eligible that takes a person record p as input and returns a proposition (Prop).
  • | Eligible_intro : This is the constructor for the predicate, which specifies the conditions under which the predicate holds.
  • forall n a,: We’re quantifying over the name and age fields of the person record.
  • p = {| name := n; age := a |}: This pattern matching clause specifies that the input person record p must have the fields name and age equal to n and a, respectively.
  • a >= 18 -> is_eligible p: This is the condition under which the predicate holds: the age field must be greater than or equal to 18.

Defining Evaluable Inductive Predicates for Sets

Sets are another fundamental data structure, and defining evaluable inductive predicates for them enables us to specify and reason about properties of collections.

Example: Defining a Predicate for a Set of Natural Numbers

Let’s consider a set of natural numbers, nats, and define an evaluable inductive predicate, is_even, that checks whether a set of natural numbers only contains even numbers.

Inductive is_even (s : nats) : Prop :=
  | Even_intro : forall x, x ∈ s -> exists y, x = 2 * y -> is_even s.

In this example, we’ve defined an inductive predicate is_even that takes a set of natural numbers s as input. The predicate has one constructor, Even_intro, which specifies the conditions under which the predicate holds: every element in the set must be even.

Breaking Down the Predicate Definition

Let’s dissect the predicate definition:

  • Inductive is_even (s : nats) : Prop: We’re defining an inductive predicate is_even that takes a set of natural numbers s as input and returns a proposition (Prop).
  • | Even_intro : This is the constructor for the predicate, which specifies the conditions under which the predicate holds.
  • forall x,: We’re quantifying over the elements x in the set.
  • x ∈ s ->: This clause specifies that the element x must be a member of the set s.
  • exists y, x = 2 * y -> is_even s: This is the condition under which the predicate holds: there must exist a natural number y such that x is equal to 2 * y, implying that x is even.

Proof Obligations and Soundness

When defining an evaluable inductive predicate, it’s essential to ensure that the predicate is well-defined and sound. This means that we must provide proof obligations that demonstrate the predicate satisfies certain properties, such as:

  • Non-emptiness: The predicate is not trivially true or false.
  • Monotonicity: The predicate is monotonic with respect to the underlying data structure.
  • Soundness: The predicate accurately reflects the intended property.

Fulfilling these proof obligations requires a deep understanding of the predicate definition and the underlying data structure. By providing these proof obligations, we can ensure that our evaluable inductive predicate is both well-defined and sound.


In this article, we’ve embarked on a journey to master evaluable inductive predicates for records and sets. By understanding the components of an evaluable inductive predicate and how to define them for records and sets, you’re now equipped to specify and reason about complex data structures with confidence. Remember to always ensure the soundness of your predicate definitions by providing the necessary proof obligations. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of evaluable inductive predicates!

Keyword Definition
Evaluable Inductive Predicate A recursive function that defines a predicate using an inductive definition.
Inductive Type The data structure being defined, such as a record or set.
Predicate Definition A recursive function that defines the predicate.
Proof Obligations A set of proof obligations that ensure the predicate is well-defined and sound.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming proficient in defining evaluable inductive predicates for records and sets. Happy proving!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get your questions answered about evaluable inductive predicates for records and sets!

What is an evaluable inductive predicate for a record?

An evaluable inductive predicate for a record is a predicate that can be computed directly from the values of the record’s fields, without relying on external information. In other words, it’s a predicate that can be evaluated solely based on the record’s internal structure.

How does an evaluable inductive predicate differ from a regular predicate?

A regular predicate can rely on external information or contextual data to make a decision, whereas an evaluable inductive predicate only considers the internal structure of the record. This means that an evaluable inductive predicate is more predictable and can be computed deterministically.

Can an evaluable inductive predicate be used for sets as well?

Yes, evaluable inductive predicates can be extended to sets by applying the predicate to each element of the set and combining the results using set operations (e.g., union, intersection, or difference). This allows you to make assertions about the entire set based on the properties of its individual elements.

What are some benefits of using evaluable inductive predicates?

Evaluable inductive predicates offer several benefits, including improved code readability, easier maintenance, and faster computation. By defining a predicate that only depends on the internal structure of the record or set, you can simplify your code and make it more efficient.

Are evaluable inductive predicates limited to specific programming languages or domains?

No, evaluable inductive predicates are a general concept that can be applied to various programming languages and domains. They can be used in functional programming, object-oriented programming, or even in database query languages. The key idea is to define a predicate that can be computed directly from the internal structure of the data.

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