Flutter Geolocator not retrieving location for iOS 17.5.1 (iPad Air 5th gen, iPhone 13 mini)? Let’s Get to the Bottom of It!
Image by Terisa - hkhazo.biz.id

Flutter Geolocator not retrieving location for iOS 17.5.1 (iPad Air 5th gen, iPhone 13 mini)? Let’s Get to the Bottom of It!

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If you’re struggling to get the Geolocator plugin to retrieve the location on your iOS 17.5.1 device (iPad Air 5th gen or iPhone 13 mini), you’re not alone! Many developers have reported this issue, and it’s not due to a lack of coffee or coding skills (although, let’s be real, those things help too). In this article, we’ll dive into the possible causes and provide step-by-step solutions to get your location-based app up and running smoothly.

What’s the Deal with Geolocator and iOS 17.5.1?

Before we start troubleshooting, let’s quickly review what’s happening behind the scenes. The Geolocator plugin uses native platform APIs to access the device’s location. On iOS, it leverages the Core Location framework to retrieve the user’s location. However, with iOS 17.5.1, some changes were introduced that might be causing the issue.

Changes in iOS 17.5.1 That Might Affect Geolocator

  • Increased Privacy Restrictions**: Apple has tightened its grip on location access, requiring more explicit user consent. If your app doesn’t comply with the new guidelines, it might not be able to access the device’s location.
  • Core Location Framework Updates**: The Core Location framework has undergone changes, which might affect how Geolocator interacts with it. This could lead to compatibility issues or incorrect location data.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Let’s work through the possible solutions to get Geolocator working on your iOS 17.5.1 device. Follow these steps carefully, and we’ll get to the bottom of this issue!

Step 1: Check Your Info.plist File

The first step is to ensure your `Info.plist` file is correctly configured. Open your `Info.plist` file and add the following keys:

<string>This app needs access to your location to provide the best experience.</string>
<string>This app needs access to your location to provide the best experience, even when you're not using the app.</string>

These keys request user consent for location access when the app is in use and when it’s running in the background.

Step 2: Update Your Podfile (For iOS)

If you’re using Cocoapods, update your `Podfile` to ensure you’re using the latest version of Geolocator:

platform :ios, '17.5.1'
pod 'geolocator', '~> 9.0.1'

Run `pod update` to update your dependencies.

Step 3: Check Your Geolocator Configuration

Make sure you’ve correctly configured Geolocator in your Flutter project. Add the following to your `pubspec.yaml` file:

  geolocator: ^9.0.1

In your Dart file, import Geolocator and request permission:

import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart';

Future<void> _requestPermission() async {
  bool serviceEnabled;
  LocationPermission permission;

  serviceEnabled = await Geolocator.isLocationServiceEnabled();
  if (!serviceEnabled) {
    // Return an error or prompt the user to enable location services

  permission = await Geolocator.checkPermission();
  if (permission == LocationPermission.denied) {
    permission = await Geolocator.requestPermission();

  if (permission == LocationPermission.deniedForever) {
    // Return an error or prompt the user to grant permission

Step 4: Check Your Xcode Settings

Open your Xcode project and navigate to the Capabilities tab. Ensure that Location Updates is enabled:

Xcode Capabilities Location Updates

In the Signing & Capabilities tab, ensure that the `NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription` and `NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription` keys are added:

Xcode Signing Capabilities Location Usage

Step 5: Test on a Physical Device

Finally, test your app on a physical iOS 17.5.1 device (iPad Air 5th gen or iPhone 13 mini) to ensure Geolocator is working correctly.

Common Issues and Solutions

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue: Geolocator is Not Requesting Permission

Solution: Ensure that you’ve correctly added the `NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription` and `NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription` keys to your `Info.plist` file and that you’re requesting permission using the `Geolocator.requestPermission()` method.

Issue: Geolocator is Not Returning Location Data

Solution: Check that you’ve enabled Location Updates in the Xcode Capabilities tab and that you’ve added the necessary keys to your `Info.plist` file. Also, ensure that you’re handling location permission requests correctly.

Issue: Geolocator is Crashing on iOS 17.5.1

Solution: Try updating to the latest version of Geolocator or checking for compatibility issues with other plugins or dependencies in your project.


Getting Geolocator to work on iOS 17.5.1 devices (iPad Air 5th gen and iPhone 13 mini) requires some tweaking, but with these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest Geolocator versions and iOS releases to ensure compatibility. If you’re still experiencing problems, feel free to reach out to the Geolocator community or seek help from a fellow developer.

Happy coding, and may the location be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you experiencing issues with Flutter Geolocator on iOS 17.5.1 devices? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why is Flutter Geolocator not retrieving location on my iPad Air 5th gen?

Make sure you have added the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key to your Info.plist file and set its value to a string that describes how your app uses location services. This is a mandatory step for iOS devices.

How do I request location permissions on iOS 17.5.1 devices?

Use the requestPermission() function from the geolocator package to request location permissions. You can also show a custom dialog to inform the user about the importance of location services for your app.

Is there a specific version of the geolocator package that supports iOS 17.5.1?

Yes, make sure to use geolocator version 9.0.1 or later, which has been tested and confirmed to work on iOS 17.5.1 devices.

Why does my iPhone 13 mini not retrieve location even after granting permissions?

Check if Location Services are enabled in your device’s Settings app. Also, ensure that your app is not being run in a simulator, as location services may not work correctly in a simulated environment.

Can I use other location packages as an alternative to Flutter Geolocator?

Yes, you can explore other location packages such as location, location_services, or platform_location. However, keep in mind that these packages may have different APIs and functionality, so you may need to adapt your code accordingly.

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