Unable to Query Entity After Adding Json Column (EF Core 8): A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting
Image by Terisa - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to Query Entity After Adding Json Column (EF Core 8): A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting

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Are you struggling to query your entity after adding a Json column in EF Core 8? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered this frustrating issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solution.

What’s causing the problem?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what’s causing the issue. When you add a Json column to your entity, EF Core 8 uses a custom value converter to serialize and deserialize the Json data. However, this converter can sometimes get in the way of querying your entity.

The Problematic Query

var results = dbContext.MyEntities
    .Where(e => e.MyJsonColumn.Contains("someValue"))

In the above example, we’re trying to query the `MyEntities` table and filter the results based on the `MyJsonColumn` containing a specific value. However, EF Core 8 will throw an exception, complaining that it’s unable to query the entity.

Solution 1: Use the `EF.Property` Method

One way to solve this issue is to use the `EF.Property` method to access the Json column. Here’s an updated version of the query:

var results = dbContext.MyEntities
    .Where(e => EF.Property<string>(e, "MyJsonColumn").Contains("someValue"))

By using `EF.Property`, we’re telling EF Core 8 to treat the `MyJsonColumn` as a string property, allowing us to query it successfully.

Solution 2: Use the `JsonDocument` Class

Another approach is to use the `JsonDocument` class to parse the Json data and perform the filtering manually. Here’s an example:

var results = dbContext.MyEntities
    .Select(e => new {
        Entity = e,
        JsonData = JsonDocument.Parse(e.MyJsonColumn)
    .Where(t => t.JsonData.RootElement.GetProperty("someProperty").GetString().Contains("someValue"))
    .Select(t => t.Entity)

In this example, we’re using `JsonDocument` to parse the Json data and then filtering the results based on the parsed data. Finally, we’re selecting the original entity from the anonymous type.

Solution 3: Use a Custom Value Converter

If the above solutions don’t work for you, you can create a custom value converter to handle the Json serialization and deserialization. Here’s an example:

public class MyJsonConverter : ValueConverter<string, string>
    public override string ConvertToProviderExpression(
        Expression<string> value)
        return value;

    public override Expression<string> ConvertFromProviderExpression(
        string value)
        return Expression.Call(
            new[] { value });

In this example, we’re creating a custom value converter that uses `JsonDocument` to parse the Json data. We then need to configure EF Core 8 to use this converter:

    .Property(e => e.MyJsonColumn)

By using a custom value converter, we can have more control over how the Json data is serialized and deserialized.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you out:

  • Check your EF Core 8 version**: Make sure you’re using the latest version of EF Core 8. Older versions might have known issues with Json columns.
  • Verify your Json column type**: Ensure that your Json column is correctly configured as a `string` type in your entity.
  • Check your query syntax**: Double-check your query syntax, paying attention to any typos or incorrect method calls.
  • Enable EF Core 8 logging**: Enable logging in EF Core 8 to see the generated SQL queries and identify any potential issues.


In this article, we’ve explored three solutions to the common problem of being unable to query an entity after adding a Json column in EF Core 8. By using the `EF.Property` method, `JsonDocument` class, or a custom value converter, you should be able to successfully query your entity. Remember to troubleshoot any issues and verify your EF Core 8 version, Json column type, and query syntax.

Solution Comparison
Solution Advantages Disadvantages
EF.Property Easy to implement, flexible querying Might require additional indexing
JsonDocument Provides more control over Json parsing, flexible filtering Requires additional processing, might impact performance
Custom Value Converter Provides total control over Json serialization and deserialization Requires additional coding, might be overkill for simple scenarios

By following the instructions and explanations in this article, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue of being unable to query an entity after adding a Json column in EF Core 8.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re having trouble querying entities after adding a JSON column in EF Core 8, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Why can’t I query my entity after adding a JSON column?

When you add a JSON column to your entity, EF Core 8 might not be able to query the entity immediately. This is because the JSON column is not immediately materialized in the database. Try calling `SaveChanges()` after adding the JSON column, and then try querying the entity again.

Is there a specific way to configure the JSON column for querying?

Yes, you need to configure the JSON column using the `HasJsonValueConversion` method in the `OnModelCreating` method of your DbContext. This method specifies how the JSON column should be converted to and from the CLR type.

What if I’m using a custom JSON converter?

If you’re using a custom JSON converter, make sure you’ve registered it correctly in the `OnModelCreating` method. Also, ensure that the converter is correctly implemented to handle the serialization and deserialization of the JSON data.

Can I use the JSON column in a LINQ query?

Yes, you can use the JSON column in a LINQ query, but you need to use the `EF.Property` method to access the JSON column. This method allows you to access the JSON column as a string, and then you can use it in your LINQ query.

What if I’m still having trouble querying the entity?

If you’re still having trouble querying the entity, try checking the EF Core 8 documentation for JSON columns, and ensure that you’ve followed all the necessary steps to configure the JSON column correctly. You can also try checking the SQL query generated by EF Core 8 to see if there are any issues with the query itself.

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